Notice of the Committee of Anhui Provincial Cultural Investment and Operation Co., Ltd. on the progress of inspection and rectification


According to the unified deployment of the provincial Party Committee, from September 2 to November 15, 2022, the ninth inspection team of the Provincial Party Committee conducted a tour of Anhui Cultural Investment and Operation Co., LTD。On January 10, 2023, the ninth inspection team of the Provincial Party Committee gave feedback on the inspection opinions to the Party Committee of Anhui Cultural Investment and Operation Co., LTD。In accordance with the relevant requirements of the inspection work, the progress of the inspection rectification is now announced。

First, improve the political position, and resolutely shoulder the main responsibility of inspection and rectification

坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,学习习近平总书记关于巡视工作重要论述,从坚定政治方向、端正政治态度、增强政治责任高度重视整改。First, take the main responsibility, set up four leading groups such as inspection and rectification, and point out problems at special meetings of the provincial Party secretary, and the main person in charge of the Party committee is the leader。The second is to hold 20 meetings of the Party Committee and 20 meetings of the leading group, and formulate 172 measures in response to 35 problems in 4 categories。专题研究省委书记专题会议指出问题10次。Third, the following look to find insufficient, the above rate as an example, the upper and lower linkage rectification。The fourth is to hold a high-quality democratic life meeting in 2022 and inspect the rectification。Fifth, to promote development through rectification, the first quarter revenue increased by 8 times year-on-year, and the net profit attributable to the parent company increased by 608.9万。

Second, adhere to the problem-oriented, and resolutely implement the tasks of inspection and rectification


1.强化理论武装。一是落实党委会“第一议题”、理论学习中心组“首要内容”,今年以来,党委会和理论学习中心组学习习近平总书记重要讲话指示精神14次。汇编学习习近平总书记最新重要讲话精神4期45篇。Second, we formulated and implemented the work plan for the study, publicity and implementation of the Party's 20 National Spiritual Congresses。The third is to revise and implement the company's "14th Five-Year Plan" and work points in 2023, clearly implement measures such as "jointly building the Yangtze River Economic Belt", and visit Sichuan and Chongqing。

2.We should give top priority to social benefits and unify social and economic benefits。First, the "dual-effect unification" is included in the main points of work in 2023, and arrangements are made in the fund investment plan。Second, in 2023, the proportion of direct investment in cultural services projects accounted for 17% of the total investment.2%,较2022年增加15.5%;Reserve 9 cultural and educational projects, the proposed investment amount of 90 million yuan, is the total investment of cultural and educational projects since the establishment of the company.46倍。The third is to formulate the "Management Measures for the Operation Performance Assessment of secondary Subsidiaries", with political orientation and cultural service indicators accounting for 5% each in the social benefit assessment。

3.推动融入长三角一体化发展。First, the integration of the Yangtze River Delta and rural revitalization will be included in the main work points in 2023。The second is to strengthen exchanges with the Yangtze River Delta cultural industry investment alliance enterprises, for the Yangtze River Delta "double recruitment and double introduction"。与上海瑞力等头部机构合作,谋划设立子基金。The third is to prepare for the Yangtze River Delta Cultural Fair Anhui exhibition, 158 enterprises signed up。Improve the Yangtze River Delta cultural tourism asset trading platform, online transactions of 210,000, achieving zero breakthrough。

4.增强引领文化产业发展动能。First, the provincial cultural and creative fund, with a total scale of no less than 5.5 billion yuan, has entered the investment stage and leveraged 4.3 billion yuan of social capital。二是参与举办长三角数字创意产业发展大会。开发“皖字号”线上平台,运营艺术安徽中心。三是2024欧洲杯买球平台注册资本由2亿增至14亿,实收7.79亿。In the first quarter of 2023, revenue increased by 8 times year-on-year, and net profit attributable to the parent company increased by 608 times year-on-year.9万。

5.加快培育新型文化业态。First, it independently developed platforms such as "Anhui Copyright Online", with a total of 23,343 registered users and 47 registered works.32万件、存证8.6万件。二是与科大共建数字创意产业研究中心。举办全省大学生数字创意大赛。三是一季度产权交易项目11个、交易额1.38亿,占项目总数52%、总交易额20.27%,占比是2022年的2.73倍、6.14倍。

6.助推文化产业结构调整优化。First, 7 projects were attracted, with an agreed investment of nearly 16 billion yuan, and the ACG Hefei International Cultural and Creative City project with an investment of 2 billion yuan completed land delisting。The second is to cooperate with Anhui Daily on the development and transaction of copyright assets to promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional cultural enterprises。

7.进一步明晰发展思路。一是落实2024欧洲杯买球平台组建方案。Revise and submit the company's "14th Five-Year Plan" to the Provincial Party Committee Publicity Department。The second is to focus on the main responsibility and main business, investment is in full swing, and 13 projects have been invested。累计到账投资收益1438.850,000 yuan, of which, Chinese investment this year to the account investment income of 1059.47万,是2022年的6.58倍。

8.服务创新型文化强省建设。First, the provincial cultural and Creative Fund for Hefei, Wuhu, Chuzhou, Anqing, Bozhou 5 cities raised 1.7 billion yuan, and Maanshan, Chizhou, Huangshan 3 cities docking expansion。二是争取中2024欧洲杯买球官网app参与“大黄山”基金发起设立。The third is to undertake the Shenzhen Cultural Expo Anhui group exhibition, reached 116 product sales, project contracts or intentions, sales of 300 million, contact more than 20,000 people, sales of single products more than 4,000。

9.发挥国有文化资本投融资平台作用。The first is to collect sub-fund managers across the country, docking nearly 40 institutions such as Shenzhen Newspaper One, and planning to set up sub-funds with a total scale of nearly 10 billion。Two, the Chinese investment returned 300 million yuan, and the fund completed the record of the fund Industry Association and officially entered the investment stage。The investment of $25 million by the WOON-Hui Fund in the Anhui Lingsi Smart Project passed the deliberation of the Voting Committee。

10.完善法人治理结构。First, formulate the agenda list of the Party committee, the Board of directors, and the general manager's office meeting, and clarify the boundaries of the rights and responsibilities of 74 matters in 6 categories。二是制定董事会议事规则。The third is to guide Shenfu Company to formulate the "Party Branch Participation in Major issues decision-making Measures (Trial)" and carry out pilot projects。Regarding the problem of not establishing a board of directors, the competent department shall be requested to guide and solve it。

11.建立健全内控体系。First, since the inspection, 29 revised implementation systems have been developed, and 15 revised systems have been guided by 3 subsidiaries。二是编制5项内控制度流程图。三是制定信息化建设方案。

12.充分发挥考核及薪酬激励作用。一是开展人力资源业务培训2次。二是修订综合考核办法,优化年度考核方案。The third is to guide the Cultural Exchange and Shenfu Company to revise the salary and assessment system, and fund companies to implement market-oriented salary mechanisms compared with the same industry。

13.进一步提高科学决策水平。一是评审通过沈福项目概规设计。The second is to revise and implement the Interim Measures for the Management of Major Matters and formulate the Rules for Expert Advisory Committees.。Strengthen the feasibility analysis and demonstration of the newly established digital creative company and other projects。The third is to win the support of the municipal government, and agree in principle to the first construction on the basis of the existing land planning。

14.加快推进重点项目建设。一是组织团队到上海、成都考察。Selected comrades with experience in rural revitalization and cultural tourism projects to work in Shenfu Company。Second, the development plan of 30 hectares of land has been approved by the provincial government, 90.86亩土地征收公示完成。Promote the municipal key bureau to speed up the southern section of Chao Hu South Road project to solve the problems of water, electricity and sewage supporting。三是建立沈福项目进度调度机制。四是确定EPC总承包单位,组织进场工作。The construction of the parking lot project has been completed, the construction of the "One point" project has been completed by the end of May, the tent camp project is under construction, and the projects such as "Koufu Lane" and Shiliwei Bank are accelerating the deepening of the design。

15.规范实施招标采购。The first is to organize and study the regulations on the implementation of bidding and tendering and other systems to improve the preparation level of bidding documents。The second is to hold a special meeting to remind the risks of clean government and strengthen the education of integrity and self-discipline。Third, self-check the 3 schematic design and 2 general contracting flow standard facts, distinguish responsibilities, analyze the reasons, and learn lessons。The fourth is to instruct Shenfu Company to revise the procurement rules and strictly approve the invitation to bid。

(2) Implementing the strategic deployment of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party and fulfilling the "two responsibilities"


17.抓实党委书记“第一责任人”责任。First, the Party Committee studied the work of comprehensively strictly governing the Party, listened to the team members' reports on the implementation of "one post and two responsibilities", and held a review council on Party building at the grassroots level;Hold a political ecological analysis meeting and submit a political ecological self-examination analysis report as required。二是完成对沈福2024欧洲杯买球平台原董事长离任审计。The third is to hold the work of Party style and clean government construction, and urge and guide subsidiaries to develop the task list and responsibility list of Party style and clean government construction。

18.支持纪检监察队伍建设。First, in accordance with the requirements of the "three transfers", the establishment of the discipline inspection and supervision office has increased from 3 to 5 people, and 1 person has been identified as a full-time post engaged in discipline inspection and supervision work;By the end of June 2023, one more full-time staff will be added。二是强化学习培训,召开纪委工作会3次。三是各支部配齐纪检委员。

19.不断强化政治监督。First, formulate the annual list of key supervision matters, participate in the examination and approval of the annual work points, field supervision of the progress of key work, since the inspection and rectification, the Commission for Discipline inspection has participated in the Party Committee to review relevant matters 11 times, and carried out supervision and special inspections 1 times each。The second is to improve the implementation of the conversation reminder and problem feedback system, and issue and implement the Joint meeting System between the Management team and the Discipline Commission, and the Interim Measures for the Party Committee and the Discipline Commission to regularly discuss Important Information Notification.。The third is to carry out supervision in areas such as subsidiary business cooperation and issue risk warning sheets。

20.着力提升监督执纪水平。First, the parties to the letter and visit statements did not sign and other issues, contact the parties to supplement the signature, supplement the conversation materials 4 copies。The second is to take the company's website public reporting mailbox and telephone and other ways, unimpeded channels for complaints, accept all kinds of reports。三是制定实施2024欧洲杯买球平台纪委议事规则、工作制度等。

21.修订完善监督管理制度。First, the establishment of collective research and judgment of problem clues, joint supervision and enforcement mechanisms, and the introduction of five systems。The second is to improve the integrity risk prevention and control system, and revise the company's and subsidiaries' integrity risk prevention and control manuals。The third is to strengthen the cooperation between discipline inspection and audit, finance, personnel and other departments, and carry out joint supervision around official receptions and the use of official vehicles。

22.加强和改进投资管理。The first is to revise and implement the Interim Measures for the Management of Major Matters, and strengthen the research and demonstration before investment decisions and the implementation and supervision after decisions。The second is to formulate the Rules of Procedure of the Investment Decision-making Committee and increase the links of expert review and feasibility demonstration。The third is to form 14 post-investment reports for the 13 projects that have been invested to achieve full coverage of post-investment management。

23.加大子2024欧洲杯买球平台出资追缴力度。成立专班,制定方案,狠抓落实。Actively urge the shareholders of the subsidiary whose investment is not in place to perform their duties and invest in place, and the two shareholders said that they would overcome difficulties, take measures to accelerate progress and fulfill their investment obligations。The Company shall take legal measures when necessary to safeguard the rights and interests of itself and its shareholders。

24.坚持务实进取。First, formulate the company's "14th Five-Year Plan" task decomposition plan, refine 107 measures, and determine the subsidiary's 2023 business objectives。二是版权登记存证累计56.53万件,文交所累计交易额19.8.5 billion, respectively, to complete the "14th Five-Year Plan" digital creativity, cultural consumption plate target 28.27%、19.85%。Third, Shenfu project construction units entered the market, investment reserve nearly 300 general merchants, key project reserve nearly 30, signed 9 intention agreements。The planning and renovation of Anhui Art Center was completed, and the operation of cultural space was started。

25.勇于担当作为。First, to the first region to learn management experience, expand market practices, and look for cooperation opportunities。Second, strengthen supervision and establish a mechanism for scheduling and reporting key tasks。一季度产权交易1.38亿,是2022年的4.47倍。

(3) Implement the Party's organizational line in the new era, the construction of cadres and talents, and the Party building at the grassroots level

26.发挥“头雁效应”。First, revise and implement the Work Rules of the Company's Party Committee to tighten the responsibilities of the members of the Party Committee team, especially the "first leader"。2024欧洲杯买球平台主要负责人下沉项目一线调研。二是把项目完成情况纳入年度考核。The third is to form Shen Fuyuan cosmic plan, planning and constructing cultural tourism digital platform。Fourth, the revenue in the first quarter of 2023 increased by 8 times, and the net profit attributable to the parent company increased by 608 times.9万。中2024欧洲杯买球官网app项目今年到账投资收益1059.47万,是2022年的6.58倍。

27.认真落实“三重一大”决策制度。一是修订实施《2024欧洲杯买球平台》等制度。Second, the 2023 total salary budget plan, fund use plan and other matters shall be studied and decided by the Party Committee。

28.严肃党内政治生活。The first is to seriously hold the 2022 democratic meeting, criticize each other, do not wear shoes and hats, do not replace opinions with suggestions, and put forward a total of 14 opinions。Second, 4 comrades of the Party committee team participate in the organization of the branch life, take the lead in carrying out criticism and self-criticism;To supervise the party branches to complete the work of organizing meetings and democratic evaluation of party members。

29.坚持人才引领发展。The first is to hold a leading group meeting on talent team construction, study talent work, formulate and implement recruitment plans, and make it clear that the proportion of positions with higher professional background or experience related to the main industry is not less than 50%。The second is the introduction of the Interim Measures for the Management of Professional Managers, the implementation of market-based selection and tenure system management for qualified senior executives of affiliated companies, the implementation of agreed salaries, and the introduction of high-quality, professional and high-level talents。Third, fund companies implement market-oriented salary mechanisms to attract outstanding professionals。The fourth is to increase the intensity of talent discovery and training, and guide the provincial cultural exchange to carry out internal competition for employment。

30.严格执行员工招聘干部选用制度。First, hold a special rectification meeting, check the problem of claiming, deeply reflect on the review, draw a lesson from one example, and resolutely do not repeat the mistake.。The second is to verify the recruitment and direct employment of employees, and to hold relevant responsible persons accountable。加强对已招录人员培训考核。

31.规范审核人事档案。First, it is clear that special personnel are responsible for personnel files and carry out centralized learning and business training。The second is to re-examine the personnel files that have been reviewed, and correct the problems such as the identification of academic qualifications。对1名直接责任人批评教育。

32.贯彻落实党建工作责任制。一是制定落实年度党建工作要点。The second is to hold the party building work leading group meeting, study the party building work twice, and hold the first quarter of the party building work promotion meeting。三是修订党建工作考核暂行办法并组织考核。Carry out grassroots Party organization secretary to grasp the grassroots party building review assessment, Party committee secretary on the site review one by one, according to the results of the review to determine the evaluation of the work of the party building as an important basis for the evaluation of the first, the selection and appointment of cadres。

33.健全党的基层组织体系。First, in accordance with the "four synchronization" requirements, the establishment of grass-roots party organizations in eligible newly established subsidiaries, so as to build as much as possible。The second is to guide Shenfu Company to improve the party organization, and to study and equip the Party branch secretary of the provincial Cultural Exchange。

34.严格落实组织制度。First, to carry out the rectification and upgrading action of the late party organization, Shenfu Company's Party branch will conduct preliminary research on major matters, standardize the "three meetings and one lesson", and gradually strengthen the role of party building in leading development。The second is to establish the quarterly dispatch of the party building work of the branch and the implementation of the self-inspection and supervision mechanism, the implementation of the party committee team members to contact the grass-roots party organization system, since this year, the branches are in accordance with the frequency of the party class, the reference to the standard format to do a good job of the branch meeting minutes, the implementation of the quality of the organizational life system has been improved。三是重核党费缴纳基数,补缴党费5.61万。


35.Perform the main responsibility of the Party committee for rectification and the daily supervision responsibility of the discipline inspection commission for rectification。First, revise the "Plan for the Establishment of Functional Departments and Personnel" to clarify the responsibilities of the discipline inspection and supervision office。Second, the company's discipline inspection committee forms full coverage of regular supervision and inspection by promoting meetings, on-site inspections, and conversation reminders。Audit of 3 subsidiaries based on the 2022 risk and compliance management report;Looking back at the problems pointed out by the audit, 26 problems were rectified in place。The third is to replace company loans with bank loans to prevent debt risks。与银行签订贷款补充协议,降低融资成本。获中2024欧洲杯买球官网app项目贴息3074万。

Third, strengthen the use of results, and resolutely promote the quality and efficiency of corporate governance

(一)扛起党委主体责任。深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的二十大精神,以高度的政治自觉和责任担当完成整改工作。Combine the rectification and the implementation of comprehensive and strict governance of the Party's main responsibility, implement the decision-making and deployment of the provincial Party Committee on inspection and rectification work, and go all out to do a good job of inspection and rectification.。

(二)持之以恒推进整改。We will keep our goals unchanged, our standards will not be lowered, and our efforts will not be reduced. We will not let go until measures are implemented and problems are not solved。Standard rectification plan, strengthen tracking and supervision, dynamic update of the account, have completed, timely carry out "look back" to ensure that the problem does not rebound;For those that are being pushed forward, clear time limits and intensify efforts to ensure that no "tail" is left.。

(三)从严从实建章立制。Adhere to drawing lessons from one another, strengthen problem-oriented, dig deep into the root causes, and strengthen long-term mechanism construction in a targeted way, especially combining specific problems with common problems, explicit problems and implicit problems。In view of the key areas and key links where the inspection feedback and problems are frequent, we should pay attention to plugging loopholes, filling weaknesses, and strong and weak items at the institutional level, and firmly promote the modernization of the corporate governance system and governance capacity。

(四)巩固拓展工作成效。以巡视整改为契机,把集中整改与长期坚持结合起来,抓整改与促发展结合起来,We will deepen and consolidate the achievements of the rectification and reform in conjunction with the current work,以创新精神和务实举措谋划发展,以实实在在业绩体现整改成效,To make greater contributions to the construction of an innovative and culturally strong province and a modern and beautiful Anhui。

Cadres and the masses are welcome to supervise the implementation of inspections and rectification。如有意见建议,请及时向我们反映。Contact information: Tel: 0551-63351302;P.o. Box: Anhui Cultural Investment and Operation Co., LTD., Block A2, Binhu Excellence City, Baohe District, Hefei, Anhui Province, 230051, China;E-mail:。

Committee of Anhui Provincial Cultural Investment and Operation Co., LTD
